College & Career Promise (A-B Tech)

Walkthrough/Information page (START HERE)
Application Access Page
If you are interested in taking AB Tech classes, please complete an application by clicking on the Application Access Page above. Once you complete this, you will be called to meet with an AB Tech representative on the NBHS campus. This includes students interested in Criminal Justice classes on campus, online, and face-to-face classes. Becky Garland, an AB Tech representative, will be available on the following dates:
November 18th | 8:00AM - 12:00PM |
December 2nd | 8:00AM - 12:00PM |
December 9th | 8:00AM - 12:00PM |
Please review the information below that will answer many questions for you prior to meeting with the AB Tech representative. If you wish to speak with Ms. Garland on these dates, please fill out the form on this link.
If you have questions about specific programs, you may contact our AB Tech College Liaison for High School Programs, Rebecca Garland:
Contact Information:
Becky Garland
College Liaison for High School Programs
Enrollment Services
A-B Tech Community College
340 Victoria Rd
Asheville, NC 28801
College & Career Promise Overview - AB Tech
Why wait? … Earn college credit while you are still in high school!
College classes are:
Face-To-Face on an A-B Tech Campus or Online
Possibly earn honors or AP level credit
Jump start your education by earning credit towards a college and high school degree simultaneously
Start training for your future career now!
A-B Tech's Career & College Promise (CCP) Program allows eligible high school students to enroll in college classes tuition free*. Students who successfully complete college courses can use that credit towards further study at A-B Tech or, in many cases, can transfer credits to a four-year college or university of their choice. With permission from the high school, students may also meet some high school graduation requirements by taking college courses. A-B Tech's Career & College Promise program offers high school students the opportunity to make the most of their high school experience and pursue educational and career goals of their choice through three opportunities:
College Transfer Pathways - Designed for students planning to continue their educational career beyond high school to eventually achieve an Associate's or Bachelor's degree at a community college or university.
Career-Technical Pathways - Allows students to begin a certification or diploma program in a particular technical field or career area.
Cooperative Innovative High Schools – A unique high school experience allowing for dual enrollment throughout the high school experience. Cooperative innovative schools are founded on the premise of rigor of academic programming, the relevance of the curriculum for real-world and global applications, and fostering strong relationships with faculty, staff, and peers.
Why wait? Fill out an application below to start your Career and College Promise experience now!
Career and College Promise Application 2018-2019
Additional Resources:
*Students do not pay tuition, but students in the College Transfer Pathways, Career-Technical Education Pathways, and Middle College are responsible for buying college textbooks and paying any student fees that are associated with college courses. Some classes are only available online. Early college students do not pay for textbooks, but are subject to fees.