Title I

Title I is a Federally-funded program that began in 1965 under President Lyndon B. Johnson. The intent of the law was to provide services to students who were not working up to their grade placement. The focus is on in-class, small group instruction with emphasis on meeting individual needs of students.

Oakley is a school-wide Title I program which means that monies allotted from the Federal government can be used to benefit the total school population. We use our funding to employ staff; to purchase new materials; to provide scientifically research-based staff development for all school staff; and to support family engagement events throughout the school year. We strive to ensure success for all students as we implement No Child Left Behind legislation giving attention to success for all students and professional growth for staff.

We have two Title I Reading Specialists and two Title 1 Assistants who work with children on a daily basis in reading. The Title 1 staff provides differentiated, small group instruction during Roots. The Title 1 Staff uses systematic and multisensory instruction to help OES students be more successful in literacy. 

We enjoy working with the students of Oakley and hope to instill in them a love of reading and the necessary tools to become fluent readers and productive citizens.