Reporting Student Progress
Basic Information
Annual Public Notices including Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA)
Car Riders Identification Program - Dismissal
Contact Information - Change/Add
Contact Manager/School Messenger - Receive BCS Notifications
Early Dismissal/Doctor's Appt.
Report cards will be issued for all students in grades one through five approximately one week after the end of each nine-week grading period. Students in grades 3-5 will receive letter grades as follows:
F=below 70
Progress reports will be sent to parents for any child who is not making adequate progress or whose grades are declining at least one letter grade. Parents should also receive with report cards a letter from the teacher(s) explaining what the class will be learning over the next nine-week grading period.
Parents should expect to see the student's work on a regular basis. Each classroom has different procedures on how the student work will be sent to you for your review. If you have questions about the student's work, please contact your child's teacher.
Parents are encouraged to schedule conferences as you feel they are needed. Please call in advance to make an appointment for a parent conference with your child's teacher when one is necessary.