What is Title 1?
Title I came into being as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (better known as NCNB - No Child Left Behind in recent years) as a way to help students who were not eligible for school support from other programs. Funding for a school is based on the number of students receiving free or reduced lunch, but the services are available to all students. For a more detailed explanation, see the Buncombe County Website: BCS Title 1
You can find more information at: http://www.ed.gov.
What Does Being a Title I School Mean to Estes?
Achieving Title I status at Estes has brought changes both in and out of the classroom. If you visit the school during the day, these are some of the differences you might notice.
Each student spends at least 30 minutes every day reading at his or her reading level with a trained adult. If you should come to the school during your child's Title I time, you would notice students reading in three to four small groups in each classroom. Each group is led by an adult. Students are tested to find their instructional reading level (the level that they read making only a few errors). The focus of the small group lessons is designed specifically in response to teacher observations and are intended to move your child forward as a reader.
Staff members are exposed to more professional development and more instructional materials.