
Attendance Summer School

Attendance Summer School is being offered at  North Buncombe High School. The dates are June 19th - June 29th, Monday through Thursday.  Your actual dates and times of attendance will vary depending on the classes you need to make up. You must attend two full days (8:00-3:00) or four half days (8:00-11:15 or 11:45-3:00) to earn attendance make up for one class. There is a cost to Attendance School School: one class = $50, two classes = $100, three classes = $125, and four classes = $150.

Students must meet with their school counselor before signing up for attendance summer school.  For additional information and to sign up, visit the Counseling Department website.

BCS Summer Academy

Need to make up a credit?? Summer Academy might be right for you!! 

The location this year Academic Summer School for NBHS students is Erwin High School. Dates are June 26th - Aug 3rd,  Monday through Thursday. Your actual dates and times of attendance will vary depending on the classes you take. Both teacher-taught and new credit courses, as well as, credit recovery classes (making up a failed course), will be available. All classes will be held in person on the campus of Erwin High School. Classes are also available at TC Roberson High School but no transportation is available to this location for NBHS students. Breakfast and lunch are free for all students. Summer Academy is being offered free of charge with transportation provided from North Buncombe High School if needed. Students are responsible for getting to NBHS, but the bus will transport from NBHS to Erwin.

Students must meet with their school counselor before signing up for BCS Summer Academy.  For more information, visit the Counseling Department website.